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Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill

Year: 1937

Think and Grow Rich

This book is again and again mentioned as THE book for growing wealth and living a happy life.

No matter if this for you means money or another kind of wealth, I fully agree: This is THE book!


To start with, most of us know that Mr.Hill definitely did not live as he tought, his life and legacy is on many points a fairly sad story including several bankruptcies and other shady stuff.
There are even claims that this book is not ”true” and that he did not meet with Andrew Carnegie even once, on the other hand: nothing of that will change the fact that this book is truly amazing.


I for one have chosen to believe the story behind the book, that Hill was set out on this quest by Mr.Carnegie.
This by the simple facts that the advices given are sound and true on almost all points & that the information written is so vast and broad that it would be MORE complicated to make it up than to actually interview the top businessmen of America at this time.


Think & Grow Rich was first published in 1937 and listed as a top 10 selling books on personal and business development of all times with tens of millions copies sold (over 100m according to some sources).

It is claimed to be outdated by some which I would totally disagree with as the information as a whole is not time sensitive, it would have worked 2000 years ago and it will in the future.

You will not find any stated points like ”get into marketing and to this/that”, it is fairly vague which I like. 

I did not get it the first time I read it around 2017 and I think this is the issue for many of the critics as well.
When I read it again during the first part of 2020 I connected with it in a whole new way I understood it in another way, and I will read it again and again as I am sure I can pick nuggets from it for years.
As the saying goes: ”When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”


In my humble opinion ”Think and Grow Rich” stands for itself: If the information works, does it matter if it is true or made up?

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