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  • Writer's pictureDavid Larsson

Why I miss reading while traveling.

There’s something special about pairing travel with a good book. Whether it's a long flight, a lazy afternoon by the beach, or a quiet moment in a hotel room, reading while traveling has always been a perfect combo for me. Yet, I’ve found myself missing it lately.

Travel and Reading: A Perfect Combo

Reading while traveling offers something unique. It's a way to escape into another world while you’re already stepping out of your usual routine. Imagine being on a long flight, everyone around you absorbed in their phones or sleeping, and you’re tucked into a fascinating story. Or, after a day of exploring a new city, kicking back with a book that transports you to yet another place. It’s a break from the hustle, a calming moment during the chaos.

Travel often puts you in the mindset of exploring, and that’s where reading becomes such a great partner. Whether it’s a thriller, a self-help book, or a classic novel, books bring depth to your experiences. You could be on a train ride through a country you've never been to, and the book you’re reading makes the trip even more memorable.

Why I Miss It

But here's the truth—I haven’t been reading much while traveling lately. I’ve been stuck at home renovating lately and I miss it.

Reading while traveling isn’t just about passing time. It’s about slowing down and enjoying those moments of quiet reflection. It’s about taking a mental break, not just from the travel itself, but from the constant noise. And more importantly, it’s about making the trip more meaningful. Some of my best travel memories are connected to the books I was reading at the time.

Why It’s Worth Bringing Back

So, Let me tell you why it’s worth it.

  1. Relaxation: Traveling can be exhausting. Reading offers a moment of calm when you’re dealing with long flights, busy itineraries, or crowded spaces. It’s a simple way to find peace in the midst of chaos.

  2. Stronger Memories: Ever notice how a certain book can remind you of a specific place? I can still remember when I came back from the beach in Goa and our ”neighbor” had read through half of my ”A Brief History of Time” that I left by the pool (Lasse is one in a million who would pick that book up and keep reading.  When tied to your experiences, the reading makes the memories even richer.

  3. A Perfect Travel Companion: Whether you’re traveling alone or with others, there’s always downtime. A book is the perfect way to fill those moments—whether you’re waiting for a flight, relaxing after a long day, or just enjoying some alone time.

My Plan to Bring Reading Back

So, how do I plan to bring this habit back into my travels? I’m making a conscious effort to prioritize reading over other distractions.

  • Choosing the Right Books: I’m going to pick books that fit the trip. For a laid-back vacation, maybe a light novel or something inspiring. For a city adventure, a gripping mystery or a personal development book.

  • Setting Time Aside: I’ll dedicate 20-30 minutes a day to reading, whether it’s during breakfast, before bed, or while waiting for a flight. I’m going to make sure there’s always time for it.

  • Sharing the Journey: I’ll also be sharing my reading adventures on social media—because accountability helps. If you see me post about a new book, feel free to jump in and share your current reads too!

Conclusion: Let’s Reclaim the Joy

Travel and reading go hand in hand, and I’ve realized how much I miss that combination. If you’re like me and have drifted away from reading while on the road, maybe it’s time to bring it back. Let’s reconnect with those quiet moments, explore new worlds, and make the most of our travels—with a book in hand.

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